Welcome to the Sacramento Historic City Cemetery searchable database, where you may find information on persons buried as far back as 1849 or as recently as 2015.
Sources currently include the burial index, burial cards, lot and marker photos, and articles from the California Digital Newspaper Collection.
Our goal is for this database to be as accurate as possible, given available sources. The cemetery's records have been inconsistently maintained over the past 160+ years, and untold hours of volunteer time have been spent attempting to sort out, compile, and verify this information. Our work expands upon the work of many others who have come before us, most notably the massive burial index assembled by Virginia Marsh and a team of volunteers at the former “Cemetery Archives” over many years starting in 1985.
The content of this database is being actively maintained and updated with new information and corrections. Works of this size will always contain errors, and we are mindful to avoid practices that would only add to the number of errors already in circulation. We have initially focused our efforts on those whose burial location is known (or is believed to be known). Future updates will include records for those buried in such places as the so-called “lost tiers”.
If you have information to provide or an issue to report, feel free to contact us: info@citycem.org
In response to the need for an online search of the burial index, this database grew out of a project begun in 2012 by volunteers who worked in the City Cemetery's former Archives Center (the Mortuary Chapel). The Sacramento Historic City Cemetery Database Project is not associated with the City of Sacramento or Old City Cemetery Committee. Many thanks to Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather for their unflagging support and ongoing efforts to enhance the accuracy of this site.